
Mindfulness for productivity

Mindfulness for productivity

The definition of mindfulness is the ability to stay in the present moment with whatever type of experience, emotion or sensation you might experience.  When applied to the various areas of our lives, this simple exercise can lead to a more conscious and fulfilling life.  Mindfulness is not only for the monk who decides to … Mindfulness for productivity Read More »

Setting an intention for a new phase in your life

Whether is the beginning of a year, the start of a project, the start of a relationship (work or personal), setting an intention usually helps you stay focused and on point.  I don’t know the mechanics behind, but it works great all the time! Just the simple act of stopping and having to think about … Setting an intention for a new phase in your life Read More »
Plants and producitivity

Can plants increase our productivity?

We all feel inspired when we are out and about for a walk, especially if in nature. Our mood feels uplifted, our overall perception on things slightly changes and we start having these new ideas which we didn’t have access to while sitting in front of our computer.  Green spaces seem to have a positive … Can plants increase our productivity? Read More »

The 10 most used productivity tools

Everywhere on the internet you’ll always find a new productivity tool rising and tips and tricks to use your time more wisely. I have been in this field for about 7 years and most of the things that I share in this blog post are part of my nature. I do them automatically. But I … The 10 most used productivity tools Read More »
free writing

The power of free writing

What is free writing? In the last 7 years, I filled pages and pages of free writing as a way of getting in touch with that part of myself which is hidden by endless, mundane thoughts. 7 years ago, I craved to go deeper to find my own truth. I didn’t want to follow the … The power of free writing Read More »
Support network accountability the best advice I ever received

Your support network – the best advice I ever received

A support network is meant to help you with bouncing ideas, seeing your true value, encouraging you in difficult times. The moment I was suggested to find people that did what I wanted to do, to ask them questions and to look for accountability in them, things really started shifting in the way I approached … Your support network – the best advice I ever received Read More »